martes, 3 de abril de 2012

Grandes Enemigos / Great enemies

Vayas donde vayas, o estés donde estés siempre encontraremos a ciertos enemigos que nunca nos abandonan.

Uno de ellos se llama Idioma. Siempre está presente, ya sea en la batalla o en cualquier otro sitio. Aunque sea uno de los "Grandes" se le puede vencer, de hecho mientras más te enfrentes a él antes lo vencerás, aunque claro está eso implica tiempo.

Y hablando de Tiempo, él es otro de los "Grandes". Tal vez sea uno de los más difíciles de vencer, te acompaña incluso cuando duermes y sus recursos son inagotables, mientras que los tuyos poco a poco van menguando cada vez más. Hay ocasiones en que crees que le has ganado la batalla, pero tarde o temprano te percatas que de una manera u otra ha conseguido robar alguno de tus recursos. Te persigue constantemente, te apremia, es capaz de hacer desaparecer la luz del sol y rodearte de oscuridad. Te agota.
Y Agotamiento es el último del que hablaré. Es tal su poder que ataca cuerpo, mente y alma. Al principio ni siquiera te percatas de que existe, hasta que aparece. Primero piensas que es débil, ataca tu cuerpo y crees que puedes sobrellevarlo, pero te equivocas. Es constante en su labor y poco a poco va arrebatándote las fuerzas. Cuando ya estas exhausto lanza su mayor ataque y tu mente sucumbe al dolor, tu alma cae y consigue hacerte pensar que no lo lograrás.

Aún así, podrán venir cientos, podrán venir miles que todos ellos caerán a nuestros pies pidiendo clemencia. Clemencia que no les será concedida porque a quien a hierro mata a hierro muere.

Wherever you go, or wherever you will always find some enemies that never leave us.

 One of them is called Language. It is always present, either in battle or elsewhere. Though he is one of the "Big ones" it is possible to conquer him, in fact while more face to him before you will conquer it, but of course it takes time.

 And speaking about Time, he is other of the "Big ones". Maybe it is one of the most difficult to win, is with you even when you sleep and its resources are inexhaustible, while yours are slowly diminishing more and more. Sometimes you think you've won the battle, but sooner or later you notice that by some means or another it has managed to steal someone of your resources. It chases you constant, urges you, is capable of wiping out the sunlight and be surrounded by darkness. It exhausts you.

And Exhaustion is the last of which I speak. Such is his power that attacks the body, mind and soul. Initially you do not even notice that it exists, until it appears. First you think that it is weak, it attacks your body and you believe that you can carry it, but you are wrong. It is constant in his labor and little by little it goes getting carried away the forces. Already these when exhausted it throws his bigger assault and your mind succumbs to the pain, your soul falls and manages to make yourself think that you will not achieve it.

However, hundreds will be able to come, thousands may come that they all fall at our feet begging for clemency. Clemency that will not be granted to them because who to steel it kills to steel dies.

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